Leadership development for high-impact roles

Being Leaders provides training and coaching programs for senior leaders to enhance their impact and influence by becoming effective Leaders of Leaders.

Training Leaders of Leaders

Empower your leaders with the tools and resources they need to excel in guiding other Team Leaders. Our comprehensive program helps leaders to become more impactful, delivering better results for the customers, organisations and themselves, without burning out.

Through dynamic and action-oriented group coaching workshops, leaders master essential leadership concepts and develop the core skills necessary for one of their career’s most significant transitions: evolving from a Team Leader to a Leader of Leaders.

Two leaders laughing together

The Being Leaders Journey

The Being Leaders Leader of Leaders program has three key modules, each focused on capacity building for people in Leader of Leaders roles. The program is traditionally delivered across six to nine months, with the option of further one-on-one coaching for participants.

We recommend that participants move through the modules in the structure below, however, we tailor the delivery of our modules to best suit the needs of the organisations we work with.

Being Leaders Journey

Module 1: Creating Sandboxes

Empower your leaders with ‘Creating Sandboxes: Delegation for Impact’, the flagship training module from Being Leaders. Participants will learn to implement four key tools to create clarity in their roles and for the roles of the people they lead with immediate effect. These tools will allow them to free up more time to develop and implement effective strategies to increase their impact and influence as a Leader of Leaders.

Learning outcomes for participants:

  • Create clarity in their roles and the responsibilities of their team
  • Develop trust with the people they lead
  • Influence the broader organisation through the work of their team
  • Effectively delegate projects for impact and growth
  • Encourage clear communication among their team and across functions


Creating Sandboxes can be delivered in person and online, across 3 x 90-minute workshops with a recommended group size of 8 to 12 participants.

Module 2: Way of Being

The Way-of-Being module equips individuals to lead with adaptability, presence, and impact. This module deep dives into a core concept of Being Leaders, the ‘Way of Being’, which is the interrelationship between body, mood and language.

Leadership opportunities happen in moments; moments of sense-making, moments of relationship-building, and moments in decision making. Our Way of Being shapes how we experience the world around us helping us be a more effective leader in these moments.

Through this program, participants will:

  • Harness their full potential in pivotal leadership situations.
  • Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and possibility.
  • Navigate the dynamic shifts of their environment with ease.

For optimal engagement, the Way of Being module is best conducted in person but is also available online. It spans three 90-minute sessions, ideally with 4 to 8 participants.


Module 3: Coaching Leaders

Developing others is a key capability in the role of the leader-of-leaders. This module is designed for people in leader-of-leaders roles and it helps participants understand the importance of coaching in developing others and implementation of strategy.

During the session, leaders will practice a core model of coaching and then apply this approach to scenarios of coaching other leaders, with a focus on the following learning outcomes:

  • To understand the important role that coaching plays in leadership.
  • To practice using the GROW model for coaching.
  • To practice advanced coaching skills for coaching other leaders.


We recommend that the Coaching Leaders module is delivered face-to-face, although it can be offered as an online workshop. The module is delivered across 3 x 90-minute workshops with a recommended group size of 8 to 12 participants.

Find out more about the Being Leaders Training

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