The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Case Study: Creating Sandboxes


The Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) is a major healthcare provider in Australia, offering a broad range of services, including medical, surgical, mental health, rehabilitation, aged care, specialist clinics, and community programs. 

In its commitment to develop and support its leaders, the RMH engaged Being Leaders to pilot the Creating Sandboxes Training program for its senior leaders.

The Royal Melbourne Hospital

“I found the content useful, relevant and enlightening. There were things in the program I will use immediately, and things that gave me clarity in my new role.” – Senior Leader, The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Program Selection & Delivery

The Creating Sandboxes Training was delivered online to 10 senior leaders from various functions within the RMH. This initiative was part of the RMH’s continuous effort to enhance leadership capabilities, particularly for those in ‘Leader of Leaders’ roles.

“We know that leaders are the key to employee engagement, retention and wellbeing. Staff join our organisation because the work is challenging and interesting. They stay because of the team culture and the level of support from their leader.” – Varnia Muys, Director Leadership, Culture and Learning, the Royal Melbourne Hospital

The Creating Sandboxes training module provides Leaders of Leaders with the knowledge, tools, and practical experience necessary to empower their teams. This approach ensures that their teams have the clarity and support needed to achieve results independently, allowing Leaders of Leaders to focus on higher-level tasks. By doing so, they can deliver greater value to the organisation through strategic initiatives and influence. 

“Stepping up as a leader of leaders is challenging. Suddenly you are two steps away from the coal face and the technical capabilities that got you there are not so relevant. At the same time your leadership shadow expands. Stress or ineffectiveness have a significant impact. We want leaders at this stage to thrive and recognise the unique skills they need to succeed at this level.” – Varnia Muys

“Our senior leaders are often so busy they don’t get the space to learn together. This provided a great opportunity for a small group of leaders to connect and share common challenges as a group. The simplicity of the sandbox model means that the principles could be easily applied in day-to-day practice.” Varnia Muys, Director Leadership, Culture and Learning, The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Impact & Feedback

The Creating Sandboxes Training program provided a valuable opportunity for the RMH’s senior leaders, who often lack the time to learn together, to connect and share common challenges while learning an approach to effective delegation that could be immediately applied in their roles. Over the course of the program, leaders implemented what they learned, with many participants realising immediate results.

Improvements were observed across multiple assessment areas, including clarifying responsibilities, granting decision-making authority, and expanding the scope of leadership roles. Leaders felt more relaxed and positive about delegating real decision-making authority to their teams, reflecting the program’s success in empowering leaders and enhancing their strategic capabilities.

The training was praised for its practicality and ease of application, offering a tangible opportunity for senior leaders to learn how to enhance their impact within the organisation.

“This was a good opportunity for senior leaders to invest in their own development to be more impactful for everyone in the organisation.” – Varnia Muys

Participants who had recently transitioned into ‘Leader of Leaders’ roles found the content particularly beneficial. One leader noted, “As someone who has recently transitioned from a Manager/Leader to a Leader of Leaders, I found the content useful, relevant and enlightening. There were things in the program I will use immediately, and things that gave me clarity in my new role.” 

About the Being Leaders Creating Sandboxes Training

The Being Leaders Creating Sandboxes Training gives Leaders of Leaders the tools to create clarity in their roles and for the roles of the people they lead with immediate effect.

These tools will allow them to free up more time to develop and implement effective strategies to increase their impact and influence as a Leader of Leaders.

Learning outcomes for participants:

  • Create clarity in their roles and the responsibilities of their team
  • Develop trust with the people they lead
  • Influence the broader organisation through the work of their team
  • Effectively delegate projects for impact and growth
  • Encourage clear communication among their team and across functions

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