Personal Development

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Podcast: Breaking the cycle

What do we mean by Breaking the Cycle? Think of burnout, stress and sheer exhaustion…these are a common result of being a leader of leader and still navigating the transition into this new role.
Making the shift from a Team Leader to a Leader-of-Leaders is one of the most significant transitions in your


Navigating your role as a leader of leaders

Simply, you must unlearn what used to work for you and learn new work practices that will enable you to not just do this new, bigger job, but also flourish in it and open possibilities for greater impact, influence, job satisfaction and life balance. You can grow your role into healthy hard work, instead of


Give yourself a promotion

We think and act out the story we have about ourselves. So long as there is an alignment between how you see yourself and what you want to do, then everything is fine. But when you become a leader of leaders you are doing a completely different job.


Getting to grips with a bigger leadership job

In these times of chaotic change, you may well find yourself catapulted into leadership roles that you never thought you would be in. They can be huge and can feel overwhelming. You can’t control everything. But you can find your space of contribution and do your best in your area of focus.


Let go of old leadership assumptions

To grow into a leader who can lead other leaders, you have to get rid of some old leadership assumptions. Kicking these assumptions may be tough, but the rewards are worth it. In this article, I’ll explore some of the key changes that are important for you to make.


No one thinks they are a micromanager

It’s a common misconception that micromanaging is just being a mean boss. You can easily assume, ‘I’m a nice person, so I can’t be a micromanager.’ It’s not always easy to see that you are micromanaging. That won’t stop this micromanaging habit from having a huge impact on your ability to lead other leaders.


Defining a leader of leaders

With many existing leadership programs focused on new leaders or senior executives, Being Leaders offers a unique and impactful program to develop your people who are moving into leader-of-leader roles.

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